Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Clinic :: essays research papers

The Clinic The Clinic is one of a series of Alex Delaware novels written by Jonathan Kellerman. Alex Delaware is a psychology doctor who is often employed by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to provide psychological profiles of both victims and killers. The book is 465 pages long. In this novel Dr. Delaware has been asked to provide a psychological profile of the victim of a particularly gruesome murder. The victim is Professor Hope Devane, who was found murdered under a large elm tree in front of her home. She was stabbed three times; once in the heart; once in the groin; and once in the back. The only clue was a bicycle track left at the scene. The murder had occurred three months ago and the case had been turned over to a different detective, Milo Sturgis, due to the lack of progress in solving the case. Milo Sturgis is a personal friend of Dr. Alex Delaware and requested his assistance. Very little was known about Professor Hope Devane and Detective Sturgis asked Dr. Delaware to compile a psychological profile of her. Professor Devane had written a male-bashing book entitled â€Å"Wolves and Sheep.† The book had created quite a controversy and Professor Devane had appeared on numerous talk shows. Dr. Delaware discovered that Professor Devane had set up a committee at the university where she was employed. This committee was established to assist students who claimed to have been sexually harassed by other students. There were only three cases handled by the committee before the head of the university dissolved it. Detective Sturgis and Dr. Delaware decide that it would be a good idea for Dr. Delaware to locate and interview both the members of the committee and the individuals involved in the three cases. There were only three members of the committee. The members were Professor Hope Devane, another professor at the university, and a student named Casey Locking. The professor who served on the committee told Dr. Delaware that she only sat in on two of the cases and then dropped out because she felt the committee was too radical. She also said that Professor Devane exhibited signs of someone who might have been abused herself. Dr. Delaware interviewed the students involved in the three cases, with the exception of one young woman who seemed terrified. This girl claimed to have been raped by a fellow student who was a drama major. The Clinic :: essays research papers The Clinic The Clinic is one of a series of Alex Delaware novels written by Jonathan Kellerman. Alex Delaware is a psychology doctor who is often employed by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to provide psychological profiles of both victims and killers. The book is 465 pages long. In this novel Dr. Delaware has been asked to provide a psychological profile of the victim of a particularly gruesome murder. The victim is Professor Hope Devane, who was found murdered under a large elm tree in front of her home. She was stabbed three times; once in the heart; once in the groin; and once in the back. The only clue was a bicycle track left at the scene. The murder had occurred three months ago and the case had been turned over to a different detective, Milo Sturgis, due to the lack of progress in solving the case. Milo Sturgis is a personal friend of Dr. Alex Delaware and requested his assistance. Very little was known about Professor Hope Devane and Detective Sturgis asked Dr. Delaware to compile a psychological profile of her. Professor Devane had written a male-bashing book entitled â€Å"Wolves and Sheep.† The book had created quite a controversy and Professor Devane had appeared on numerous talk shows. Dr. Delaware discovered that Professor Devane had set up a committee at the university where she was employed. This committee was established to assist students who claimed to have been sexually harassed by other students. There were only three cases handled by the committee before the head of the university dissolved it. Detective Sturgis and Dr. Delaware decide that it would be a good idea for Dr. Delaware to locate and interview both the members of the committee and the individuals involved in the three cases. There were only three members of the committee. The members were Professor Hope Devane, another professor at the university, and a student named Casey Locking. The professor who served on the committee told Dr. Delaware that she only sat in on two of the cases and then dropped out because she felt the committee was too radical. She also said that Professor Devane exhibited signs of someone who might have been abused herself. Dr. Delaware interviewed the students involved in the three cases, with the exception of one young woman who seemed terrified. This girl claimed to have been raped by a fellow student who was a drama major.

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